Group Mangalam
Growing globally with care, trust, honesty, integrity & confidence

The Mangalam Story
Group Mangalam is a multinational conglomerate, with a rich legacy of 8 decades spanning from 1942 when it was founded in Beawar, Rajasthan. Led by our dynamic chairman Mr. Vipin Prakash Mangal, Group Mangalam has strategic interests in various crucial industries like Agriculture (Mangalam Agri), Stainless Steel (Mangalam Saarloh), E-waste Management (Mangalam ECS), Specialty Chemicals (Mangalam Dura) and Structured Finance. Group Mangalam Worldwide works towards inclusive growth for all by being a leading corporate citizen and contributing towards the betterment and well-being of the society.
Alongside Mr. Vipin Prakash Mangal, the group is being led by his sons, Mr. Chanakya Prakash Mangal and Mr. Chandragupt Prakash Mangal. Together, they are taking forward the proud legacy of the group, of development of the society with emphasis on fulfilment of the fundamental needs of the people, providing quality products and services, setting new trends in the industries and upholding all the stakeholder’s confidence through innovation, continuous improvement and growth.
The Mangalam Journey

The group business started by late Shri Tejmalji Mangal at Beawar, in Rajasthan province, western part of India

One more branch office was opened in Jaipur due to growing business opportunities and flourishing demand

Structured Business Division at Ahmedabad started

Commencement of manufacturing of Castor oil at Gujarat

A new vertical Mangalam Dura for environment friendly colours started & Mangalam Global listed on NSE main board.

A new branch office was opened in Ajmer, a major city of Rajasthan. It was headed by Shri Om Prakash Mangal

Group started its first dye intermediates manufacturing plant at Ahmedabad, Gujarat

A wholly owned subsidiary office started at Singapore

A new vertical for Stainless Steel Manufacturing Mangalam Saarloh with brand

Started Soya and Mustard Oil Production at Bundi, Rajasthan and Wheat Mill at Ahmedabad

The group business started by late Shri Tejmalji Mangal at Beawar, in Rajasthan province, western part of India

A new branch office was opened in Ajmer, a major city of Rajasthan. It was headed by Shri Om Prakash Mangal

One more branch office was opened in Jaipur due to growing business opportunities and flourishing demand

Group started its first dye intermediates manufacturing plant at Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Structured Business Division at Ahmedabad started

A wholly owned subsidiary office started at Singapore

Commencement of manufacturing of Castor oil at Gujarat

A new vertical for Stainless Steel Manufacturing Mangalam Saarloh with brand

A new vertical Mangalam Dura for environment friendly colours started & Mangalam Global listed on NSE main board.

Started Soya and Mustard Oil Production at Bundi, Rajasthan and Wheat Mill at Ahmedabad
Our Leaders
Vipin Prakash Mangal
Mr. Vipin Prakash Mangal is the Chairman of the Company. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from the University of Ajmer, and has more than 35 years of experience in the manufacturing and trading of various commercial commodities and affiliated consultancy services. He possesses vast knowledge and expertise in business management, formulation of business strategies, planning and implementation. He is a third-generation industrialist, who has played a significant role in the development of Mangalam’s business.

Chanakya Prakash Mangal
Chandragupt Prakash Mangal

The Mangalam Vision
With a humble beginning. Mangalam is determined to reach and sustain a position of leadership. It will be a force to reckon with, for setting trends, with the values and principles of the group. Customer satisfaction, through consistent and dependable, quality of products and services.
People's development, with emphasis on safety, harmony with confidence, innovation and continuous improvement, Mangalam will provide a fair opportunity to each one to beat their best, for growth through transparency, trust and honesty.
Society cares, through efforts, to conserve and improve the environment. Stakeholders confidence, through adequate returns and growth of investment. Associate confidence, through sharing of knowledge and concern for mutual benefit.
The Mangalam Mission
Group Mangalam’s mission is to be the responsible corporate citizen, leading the society towards growth, by contributing towards its well being and fulfilling the most fundamental needs of the people and being environmentally conscious.
As Group Mangalam plays this role with utmost earnesty, we also continue creating value for all our stakeholders, right from our vendors, customers, investors, associates and even the end consumer.

Chairman’s Message
Group Mangalam was started way back in 1942. With a strong legacy of innovation and growth, we follow a customer centric approach in all aspects of business. We, as a leading corporate citizen, endeavour to fulfil our commitment to society to build a sustainable, equitable and fair future for all. In the rapidly evolving business environment with unprecedented volatility and geopolitical tensions, our dedicated team of experts and committed workforce ensure that we become a Future-Ready organisation capable of steering the company towards greater achievements..